POST /location/v1/reverse-geocode Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer <your-api-key-here> { "wgs84": { "lat": 48.89788, "lon": 8.66731 }, "tolerance": 10 }
Reverse Geocoding
In order to try these examples, head over to Uniserv CONNECT and create an API Key (test accounts are free!). |
Reverse Geocoding offers the option to find addresses by coordinates.
Reverse Geocoding
Request one result
Request multiple results
POST /location/v1/reverse-geocode Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer <your-api-key-here> { "wgs84": { "lat": 47.660546, "lon": 8.876075 }, "tolerance": 30 }
Explanation for the API you can find here: API reference
When Uniserv receives the request, it will do the following:
Check the coordinates against its database of valid addresses
If a tolerance is added check for candidates in the tolerance range
Return the candidates
In the best case, you will receive a result like this:
Response one result
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "results": [ { "distance": 13, "country": "DE", "region": "Baden-Württemberg", "postalCode": "75179", "locality": "Pforzheim", "localityAbbreviation": "Pforzheim", "subLocality": "Wilferdinger Höhe", "subLocalityAbbreviation": "Wilferdinger Höhe", "street": "Rastatter Str.", "streetAbbreviation": "Rastatter Str.", "houseNumber": "13", "coordinates": { "wgs84": { "precision": "house-number", "lat": 48.89788, "lon": 8.66712 } } } ] }
Response multiple results
{ "results": [ { "distance": 26, "country": "DE", "region": "Baden-Württemberg", "postalCode": "78337", "locality": "Öhningen", "localityAbbreviation": "Öhningen", "localityAddition": "Bodensee", "subLocality": "Öhningen", "subLocalityAbbreviation": "Öhningen", "street": "Steiner Str.", "streetAbbreviation": "Steiner Str.", "houseNumber": "30", "coordinates": { "wgs84": { "precision": "house-number", "lat": 47.66045, "lon": 8.87640 } } }, { "distance": 27, "country": "CH", "region": "Schaffhausen", "postalCode": "8260", "locality": "Stein am Rhein", "localityAbbreviation": "Stein am Rhein", "street": "Oehningerstrasse", "streetAbbreviation": "Oehningerstrasse", "houseNumber": "79", "coordinates": { "wgs84": { "precision": "house-number", "lat": 47.66068, "lon": 8.87576 } } }, { "distance": 27, "country": "CH", "region": "Schaffhausen", "postalCode": "8260", "locality": "Stein am Rhein", "localityAbbreviation": "Stein am Rhein", "street": "Oehningerstrasse", "streetAbbreviation": "Oehningerstrasse", "houseNumber": "77", "coordinates": { "wgs84": { "precision": "house-number", "lat": 47.66053, "lon": 8.87571 } } } ] }
The API returns errors with HTTP status codes and a payload in problem+json
format (see RFC 7807):
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Content-Type: application/problem+json X-Uniserv-Request-Id: ea9a76bd3e80875f { "status": 401, "type": "", "title": "No authorization header present" }
The type
attribute is a URI that points to a description of the error and possible
solutions. For more information please refer to the list of errors.